If you are actually reading this after two months have passed without a single post, I provide you with answers to your FAQ (frequently asked questions):
1) Why haven't there been any updates?
In August, I started my sophomore year at college and have been pretty wrapped up in that since.
But, I also began to feel that my posts were becoming rather redundant. The blog was definitely started to speak out about changes and cover ups going on at the Orlando Sentinel (as well as its parent company, the Tribune) but I'm not so sure it was effective in that purpose. After a while the comment section turned from analyzing the situation and suggesting actions to be taken to just badmouthing people. And like I've said from day one, this blog is not about bashing the Sentinel or its employees, it is about speaking out about and fight back against the crisis affecting the paper and its employees. I feel like we got pretty far from that idea.
It seems that everyone (including me) has offered way more criticisms than solutions. Sam Zell maybe not care about you and your boss might be mean to you, but I don't think anybody (sane) is hoping for the collapse of this or any other Tribune paper.
So, to return to the original purpose of the blog, I am not posting anything unless it is: a) some sort of plausible plan or suggestion for dealing with the crisis at the Sentinel (and within the Tribune); b) a personal account of your experiences with Sentinel management during this rough time; c) news about some sort of dire issue concerning Sentinel/Tribune employees.
*And honestly, I will still probably take a bit to post it because there is much to tend to at school.
2) There must be something newsworthy going on at the Sentinel/Tribune, why haven't you posted any of it?
If this newsworthy item fit into one of the categories above I was probably not aware of it. I am no longer in Orlando, so my sole source of information on the Sentinel is what you pass on to me.
When this blog started I asked for volunteers for co-posters- that offer still stands.
3) Is____ blog gone?
At least 80% of the time I am asked this I do not know or do not know well the author of this other blog. Therefore, you should probably e-mail that blog and find out from the most accurate source.
4) Why do I keep coming to this blog, no
updates since mid-August?
Magic? Subconscious yearning to see the dramatic layout? I have no idea.
Things you didn't ask me or already have the answers to:
- The Columbia Journalism Review will have a story concerning labor reactions towards the crisis in the newspaper in their upcoming (Nov/Dec ) issue.
- The Eagles of "Hotel California" fame played at Sam Zell's sweet 67th b-day party.

- The Tell Zell blog has been on hiatus and people are convinced an extraordinary rendition is underway.

- On November 6, 2008, the Orlando Area FPRA (Florida Public Relations Association) is holding an event called "Crossing the Great Divide", and it is specifically for former journalists. Tips for making a transition to public relations as a career will be shared and discussed at the event. "Crossing the Great Divide" is to be held on Nov. 6 at the Citrus Restaurant (821 N. Orange Ave) in the bar area from 6pm-8pm.
For more information contact:
Jamie Floer, APR: 407-244-3685